High Holy Days Services 5782/2021

We couldn't be happier to welcome the High Holy Days with you...

...whether you choose to attend in person or online from the comfort of a remote location. We look forward to seeing you, hearing you, celebrating with you, and marking the start of a new year of meaning and memories.

Due to the changing situation with Covid, we are putting the following safety measures in place:

  • Every person entering the building must show either proof of vaccination (printed or on your phone) or proof of negative Covid test (within 48 hours).
  • We will be offering in-person and virtual services.
  • Masks are required for everyone at all services.  Remember, masks protect others more than ourselves.  Wearing a mask demonstrates your concern for others and our community.  Children under 2 are exempt.
  • Used tallit will be removed at the end of each day for cleaning.
  • Please remember, if you or someone in your family does not feel well, please stay home and join us virtually.


Schedule of in-person services:

EREV ROSH HASHANA ………………………………….         MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th                  7:00 pm

1ST DAY OF ROSH HASHANAH ……………………..          TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 7TH               

                                                                                            MORNING SERVICE                            10:00 am

                                                                                            TASHLICH  SERVICE                               6:00 pm

2ND DAY OF ROSH HASHANAH …………………….          WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH         10:00 am

SHABBAT SHUVAH ………………………………………          FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH                    7:00 pm

                                                                                            SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH           10:00 am

KOL NIDRE ………………………………………………….          WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15TH         7:00 pm

YOM KIPPUR ………………………………………………           THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH            

                                                                                            MORNING SERVICES                          10:00 am

                                                                                            YIZKOR MEMORIAL SERVICES            NOON

                                                                                            MINCHA/ NE’ILAH SERVICES              6:00 pm


If you would like to watch our services remotely, they will be live streaming at the following links:

1st day Rosh Hashanah Morning Service          Tuesday, September 7               10:00 am



Kol Nidre Service                                              Wednesday, September 15           7:00 pm



Yom Kippur & Yizkor Service                            Thursday, September 16              10:00 am



Thank you to Sisterhood for sponsoring our streaming services.

Please visit this page for any additional information as we get closer to the holidays.