Rabbi's Message


What Chanukah is Really About

As we prepare to usher in Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, I would like to take this opportunity of shedding some light on this often-misunderstood observance.  Ultimately, however, Chanukah provides  inspiration for everyone, Jew and non-Jew alike.

While time-wise, Chanukah usually occurs on or close to the  seasonal holiday time, it is important to understand that it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with December 25th. Categorically stated, Chanukah is not a ''Jewish Christmas.'' Actually, it commemorates an amazing historical event that took place a century and a half  before the birth of Jesus! 

In 168 B.C.E., the ruling Greek Syrians attempted to totally impose Hellenistic religion over the Jewish people. A  badly-outnumbered remnant of Jews struggled militarily and was victorious. A Jewish state was set up and the Jerusalem Temple was rededicated. The holy lamp was lit again. From what we know, this was really the first time in all of human history that a group of people literally had fought for religious freedom---and won!

From time to time, this festival, and the great historic episode it recalls, has provided hope in other great efforts where religious liberty was involved.

For example, there is an interesting bit of history, little known but from all indications true, involving that dark, difficult winter of 1777 at Valley Forge during the Revolutionary War.

On a freezing December night, with morale suffering, there was a young Jewish private, a Polish immigrant, named Asher Pollock in George Washington's regiment. He took a Chanukah menorah from his knapsack and lit the small wicks. Washington seeing this along with hearing Pollock's explanation of the ancient Chanukah event was deeply moved.  Later, Washington recalled how this uplifted him and his leadership in the ongoing American struggle.

Of all the freedoms which we enjoy, religious freedom is, perhaps, the most important. This is the eternal, universal message which the Festival of Chanukah conveys and which the lights of the Menorah represent.