Rabbi's Message





Blessed are You, Hashem, our G-d, Sovereign of the Universe, Who forms light and darkness, makes peace and creates all things.  (From the Morning Prayer Service).


Everything in life that happens to us contains a mixture of good (the light) and bad (the darkness), and, according to Jewish tradition, everything flows from but a single Source.   We open the morning newspaper and read of all the car crashes—and that is bad!  But then perhaps, we remember how many tens of millions of automobiles there are on the road at any given moment and the fact that all but a relatively few are involved in accidents—and that is good!


We suddenly learn from our financial consultant that our portfolio has gone up considerably—and that is very good.  But when we speak with our accountant and realize that because of this, we have also moved up to the next tax-bracket----that’s not so good. 


Sometimes people are harshly critical of our system—and there are protests and there is violence and destruction—and that is bad.  But by the same token, the fact that they are deeply concerned about our American way-of-life and want to change it for the better—that is a good thing.


Indeed, if we take stock of every situation, and if we have some perspective, we will soon discover that all of life is such a combination of the good and the bad.


As human beings, we are always faced with the problems of challenge and adversity.  The only question is whether or not we are willing to go forth and do something about them, and what we can learn from them.  All of our lives we struggle: growing up, getting married, raising children, starting a business or professional career, facing the loss a dear one.  Whether it be in illness or in aging, in anything and everything that befalls us, we must determine to keep on going and to face up to our challenges despite fears and misgivings.  It would be wrong to deny that often our situations in life look grim and foreboding.  But if we are determined, we will always find a way to triumph over our troubles.  No matter how bleak the circumstances, we must never lose hope in finding the good side of the situation.  For the good is there in the bad even if not immediately apparent; and it will be found, if only we are willing to take the time and make the effort to search it out.